Through photos and charts/graphs we will present a brief history of King Cove as one of the oldest and premier fishing communities in southwest Alaska. Recent and drastic changes in the fishing industry on many fronts (changing fisheries resources/allocations, changes in world & Alaska markets, changes in plant ownership, etc.) have put the City of King Cove on edge. Now, with the Peter Pan plant having been closed since fall 2023 and the current unknown status of when it may reopen are MAJOR concerns for our fishermen, residents, local businesses, and city operations. Between 60-70% of the city’s operating revenues come from our local fish and sales taxes and services (boat harbors and utilities) that we have provided for decades to support the fishing industry. It is likely that what we are now experiencing in King Cove has not happened in any other Alaskan fishing community of our 100+ year longevity. Our presentation will express our fears, attitudes, and hope for the future.